Barbie The Princess And The Pauper I Am A Girl
Like You Lyrics
(SPOKEN Anneliese)
I'm savoring my first and last taste
of freedom
Befor gettign married next week
to a total stranger...
(SPOKEN Erica)
At least you're not an indentured
(SPOKEN Anneliese)
Indentured servant?
If I'd like to have my breakfast hot
Madame Carpe will make me pay,
And I have to fetch the eggs myself
And the barn's a mile away.
It's cold and wet
But still I get an omelet on my plate,
But in my head I'm back in bed
Snuggled up and sleeping late.
(SPOKEN Anneliese)
(SPOKEN Erica)
Really, but it's alright I mean I'm
Used to it
And you?
(SPOKEN Anneliese)
(SPOKEN Erica)
If I want some eggs I ring the bell
And the maid comes running in,
And she serves them on a silver tray
And she brings the cookie tin.
And while I eat she rubs my feet
And strolling minstrels play,
But I'd rather be in my library
Reading science books all day.
I'm just like you
You are?
You're just like me
There's somewhere else we'd rather
Somewhere that's ours
Somewhere that dreams come true
Yes I am a girl like you.
You'd never think that it was so
But now I've met you and I know,
It's plain as day
Sure as the sky is blue
I am a girl like you.
First I choose a fabric from the rack And I
pin the pattern down,
And I stitch it in the front and back
And it turns into a gown!
I wear my gown
Without my crown
And dance around my room
And imagine life without the strife
Of an unfamiliar groom.
I'm just like you (I think that's true)
You're just like me (Yes I can see)
We take responsibility
We carry through (We carry through)
Do what we need to go.
Yes I am a girl like you.
I'm just like you (I'm just like you)
You're just like me (You're just like me)
It's something anyone can see
A heart that beats
A voice that speaks the truth
Yes I am a girl like you.
Blog Archive
- 2014 (51)
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- I Wish I Had Her Life Lyrics by Jennifer Waris and...
- To Be a Princess/ To Be a Popstar Lyrics by Jennif...
- Perfect Day Lyrics by Jennifer Waris and Tiffany G...
- Look How High We Can Fly Lyrics by Tiffany Giardina
- Here I Am (Tori Version) Lyrics by Jennifer Waris
- Princess & Popstar Finale Medley Lyrics by Jennif...
- Princesses Just Want to Have Fun Lyrics by Jennif...
- Wish Upon A Star Lyrics song performed by Barbie i...
- How Can I Refuse? Lyrics song performed by Barbie ...
- When We Have Love - Susan Roman Lyrics song perfor...
- Right Here In My Arms: Reunion - Melissa Lyons Lyr...
- Always More - Melissa Lyons Lyrics song performed ...
- The Rat Song - Scott Page-Pagter Lyrics song perfo...
- At The Ball - Susan Roman Lyrics song performed by...
- Right Here In My Arms: Greenhouse - Melissa Lyons ...
- Love Is For Peasants - Andrea Martin Lyrics song p...
- I Need To Know - Melissa Lyons Lyrics song perform...
- A Brand New Shore - Susan Roman Nothing beats a b...
- Right Here In My Arms - Melissa Lyons Lyrics Sun g...
- Here On My Island - Susan Roman Lyrics Ro:Here on ...
- song performed by Barbie in the album Barbie Sings...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Written In Your...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper The Cat's Meow ...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper I'm On My Way L...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Free Lyrics Oh,...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper I Am A Girl Lik...
- If You Love me For Me-Ost. Barbie Princess and the...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Constant Consta...
- 50 Fakta Tentang Keistimewaan Indonesia Di Mata In...
- Mau tau kamu cenderung menggunakan otak kanan atau...
- Di Lepas Pantai Amerika Ada 140.000 Turbin Angin P...
- Bakteri Ini Bisa Menghasilkan Emas 24 Karat loh
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- Cara Mengukur Jarak planet dan Diameter Planet
- Ahli Forensik: Vampir Adalah Salah Tafsir Fenomena...
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- tiga pesan yang disampaikan oleh Baginda Rasululla...
- Hewan Baru
- 8 Cara Mengembangkan Otak Kanan
- Populasi singa Afrika Barat dilaporkan tinggal men...
- Ponsel Bisa Menyebabkan Jerawat
- 7 Kisah Teladan Yang Lucu dan Penuh Motivasi
- 5 Hewan Langka Yang Hampir Punah Di Dunia
- Hewan-hewan Terbesar di Muka Bumi
- Al Qur’an Berbicara Tentang Teori Big Bang
- Air jernih dan kotor sama-sama mengandung bakteri
- Hyena hewan paling pintar di dunia ?
- KOPASSUS Pasukan Elite Militer Indonesia Terhebat ...
- tahukah kamu penemu virus komputer pertama kali di...
- Besaran Turunan
- Sifat - Sifat gas mulia (GOL VIII A)
- Lirik Lagu Here I Am (Tori Version) Ost Barbie Pri...
- We’re Gonna Find It – OST Barbie The Castle Diamon...
- I Wish I Had Her Life Tori: Look at her in the spo...
- Lirik Lagu Fatin Shidqia Lubis – Dia Dia Dia Lirik...
- Lirik Percayalah Seandainya dapatku melukiskan isi...
- Lirik Lagu Take My Heart – Soko You can take my he...
- LIRIK LAGU Raisa - Melangkah Dahulu ku bermimpi Ki...
- Tanda tanya
- Question?
- boice di 21.16 lirik lagu jung yong hwa - you’ve ...
- at 12:28 PM Lee Hong Ki (FT ISLAND) – I’m Saying ...
- Park Shin Hye-The Day We Fall in Love eonjebuteoye...
- Because I Miss You (OST Heartstrings) - Jung Yong ...
- [Yesung] Geudael mannareo ganeun giren Jangmi hans...
- Geudaereul..deudjyo Written by Lee Sunghwan Credit...
- Timnas Senior Harus Bisa Menciptakan Sejarah Sendiri
- Ravi Murdianto: Kiper Masa Depan Indonesia
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About Me

- annisa
- hidup adalah satu mangkuk penuh buah cherry. ada yang manis,ada yang kecut, ada yang hampir busuk. maka kita akan selalu untung-untungan dalam mencomot buah cherry itu. kata orang di amerika sana
Blog Archive
- Believe
- Two voice one song
- Connected
- I Wish I Had Her Life Lyrics by Jennifer Waris and...
- To Be a Princess/ To Be a Popstar Lyrics by Jennif...
- Perfect Day Lyrics by Jennifer Waris and Tiffany G...
- Look How High We Can Fly Lyrics by Tiffany Giardina
- Here I Am (Tori Version) Lyrics by Jennifer Waris
- Princess & Popstar Finale Medley Lyrics by Jennif...
- Princesses Just Want to Have Fun Lyrics by Jennif...
- Wish Upon A Star Lyrics song performed by Barbie i...
- How Can I Refuse? Lyrics song performed by Barbie ...
- When We Have Love - Susan Roman Lyrics song perfor...
- Right Here In My Arms: Reunion - Melissa Lyons Lyr...
- Always More - Melissa Lyons Lyrics song performed ...
- The Rat Song - Scott Page-Pagter Lyrics song perfo...
- At The Ball - Susan Roman Lyrics song performed by...
- Right Here In My Arms: Greenhouse - Melissa Lyons ...
- Love Is For Peasants - Andrea Martin Lyrics song p...
- I Need To Know - Melissa Lyons Lyrics song perform...
- A Brand New Shore - Susan Roman Nothing beats a b...
- Right Here In My Arms - Melissa Lyons Lyrics Sun g...
- Here On My Island - Susan Roman Lyrics Ro:Here on ...
- song performed by Barbie in the album Barbie Sings...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Written In Your...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper The Cat's Meow ...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper I'm On My Way L...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Free Lyrics Oh,...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper I Am A Girl Lik...
- If You Love me For Me-Ost. Barbie Princess and the...
- Barbie The Princess And The Pauper Constant Consta...
- 50 Fakta Tentang Keistimewaan Indonesia Di Mata In...
- Mau tau kamu cenderung menggunakan otak kanan atau...
- Di Lepas Pantai Amerika Ada 140.000 Turbin Angin P...
- Bakteri Ini Bisa Menghasilkan Emas 24 Karat loh
- 10 Fakta Menarik Tentang NOKIA
- Cara Mengukur Jarak planet dan Diameter Planet
- Ahli Forensik: Vampir Adalah Salah Tafsir Fenomena...
- Plus Minus Facebook
- Masalah Kecerdasan Emosional (EQ) Pada Siswa
- fungsi otak kanan dan kiri
- 7 kebiasaan yang memperkaya hidup
- tiga pesan yang disampaikan oleh Baginda Rasululla...
- Hewan Baru
- 8 Cara Mengembangkan Otak Kanan
- Populasi singa Afrika Barat dilaporkan tinggal men...
- Ponsel Bisa Menyebabkan Jerawat
- 7 Kisah Teladan Yang Lucu dan Penuh Motivasi
- 5 Hewan Langka Yang Hampir Punah Di Dunia
- Hewan-hewan Terbesar di Muka Bumi
- Al Qur’an Berbicara Tentang Teori Big Bang
- Air jernih dan kotor sama-sama mengandung bakteri
- Hyena hewan paling pintar di dunia ?
- KOPASSUS Pasukan Elite Militer Indonesia Terhebat ...
- tahukah kamu penemu virus komputer pertama kali di...
- Besaran Turunan
- Sifat - Sifat gas mulia (GOL VIII A)
- Lirik Lagu Here I Am (Tori Version) Ost Barbie Pri...
- We’re Gonna Find It – OST Barbie The Castle Diamon...
- I Wish I Had Her Life Tori: Look at her in the spo...
- Lirik Lagu Fatin Shidqia Lubis – Dia Dia Dia Lirik...
- Lirik Percayalah Seandainya dapatku melukiskan isi...
- Lirik Lagu Take My Heart – Soko You can take my he...
- LIRIK LAGU Raisa - Melangkah Dahulu ku bermimpi Ki...
- Tanda tanya
- Question?
- boice di 21.16 lirik lagu jung yong hwa - you’ve ...
- at 12:28 PM Lee Hong Ki (FT ISLAND) – I’m Saying ...
- Park Shin Hye-The Day We Fall in Love eonjebuteoye...
- Because I Miss You (OST Heartstrings) - Jung Yong ...
- [Yesung] Geudael mannareo ganeun giren Jangmi hans...
- Geudaereul..deudjyo Written by Lee Sunghwan Credit...
- Timnas Senior Harus Bisa Menciptakan Sejarah Sendiri
- Ravi Murdianto: Kiper Masa Depan Indonesia
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