Rabu, 25 September 2013
WHEN a man loves a woman, he treats her like a queen. He gives her everything he’s got, and more. Her every wish is his undying command, her every whim the desire of his heart. His is not to question why or give her a reason to cry, nor to argue why not and leave her high and dry; but to surrender completely, and be her slave if need be.
He places her on a pedestal, to honor and cherish till the end. He worships the ground she walks on, leaving an intoxicating scent of roses in her trail. He smothers her with mushy displays of affection, rendering her breathless in midair.
He loves her not for the way she looks but for what she is, warts and all. She may come on like a hag or croak like a frog, but he only sees a vision and hears the voice of a lark.
When a man loves a woman, there is nothing he won’t do just to be next to her. He would climb the highest mountain, sail the seven seas, walk to the ends of the earth if he would find her here, there, or anywhere. He wastes no time, and hesitates not a minute, in asking her – on bended knee - what she is doing the rest of her life.
There is nowhere in the universe he’d rather be than where she is. He will face every danger, conquer every obstacle, just to breathe the same air she breathes. He would trade places with the devil, or give up all that is dear to him, just to be close to her and give in.
When a man loves a woman, he sets her free. He gives her space to exhale and grow, to live her own life and be her own person. He allows her to pursue her own dreams, nurture her own skills, shine on her own achievements. He casts a gentle shadow behind her -- to nudge tenderly, not to overpower; to support unequivocally, not to compete against or be jealous of.
He waits patiently for her moment in time, secure in his place and undauntedly so. He prefers, invariably, to walk a step behind or to stand beside her; not walk a step ahead or stand in front of her, except to shield her from hostile forces. He is content to be the wind beneath her wings, the summer breeze that blows through the jasmines of her vulnerable mind.
When a man loves a woman, he doesn’t see the follies that she herself commits. He is blind to her sins of omission and little indiscretions. He is deaf to her protestations of imperfection and turns his back on those who try to put her down. No, she can never do anything wrong. She is either an angel or a saint, a goddess or a princess, a nymph or a temptress – flawless, faultless, infallible.
He is the first one to praise her, and the last one to condemn her. He extols her virtues, applauds her qualities, goes into raptures over her charms. He never blames her when she does commit a tiny bit of human frailty. To him, she will forever be the epitome of grace, the archetype of decorum, the model for near-perfection.
He watches over her like a lamb that’s lost in the woods, ready to pick up the pieces of her fragile world. He lives each day with music and poetry in his head, and the thought that consumes him is to be able to pluck her heartstrings and hold her at night.
When a man loves a woman, nothing else matters. The world can go hang for all he cares. He’ll sleep out in the rain if she tells him so, or jump over the cliff if she makes a pact with the prince of darkness. She can play him for a fool and bring him so much misery, but he’ll just string along and let her be.
He places her on a pedestal, to honor and cherish till the end. He worships the ground she walks on, leaving an intoxicating scent of roses in her trail. He smothers her with mushy displays of affection, rendering her breathless in midair.
He loves her not for the way she looks but for what she is, warts and all. She may come on like a hag or croak like a frog, but he only sees a vision and hears the voice of a lark.
When a man loves a woman, there is nothing he won’t do just to be next to her. He would climb the highest mountain, sail the seven seas, walk to the ends of the earth if he would find her here, there, or anywhere. He wastes no time, and hesitates not a minute, in asking her – on bended knee - what she is doing the rest of her life.
There is nowhere in the universe he’d rather be than where she is. He will face every danger, conquer every obstacle, just to breathe the same air she breathes. He would trade places with the devil, or give up all that is dear to him, just to be close to her and give in.
When a man loves a woman, he sets her free. He gives her space to exhale and grow, to live her own life and be her own person. He allows her to pursue her own dreams, nurture her own skills, shine on her own achievements. He casts a gentle shadow behind her -- to nudge tenderly, not to overpower; to support unequivocally, not to compete against or be jealous of.
He waits patiently for her moment in time, secure in his place and undauntedly so. He prefers, invariably, to walk a step behind or to stand beside her; not walk a step ahead or stand in front of her, except to shield her from hostile forces. He is content to be the wind beneath her wings, the summer breeze that blows through the jasmines of her vulnerable mind.
When a man loves a woman, he doesn’t see the follies that she herself commits. He is blind to her sins of omission and little indiscretions. He is deaf to her protestations of imperfection and turns his back on those who try to put her down. No, she can never do anything wrong. She is either an angel or a saint, a goddess or a princess, a nymph or a temptress – flawless, faultless, infallible.
He is the first one to praise her, and the last one to condemn her. He extols her virtues, applauds her qualities, goes into raptures over her charms. He never blames her when she does commit a tiny bit of human frailty. To him, she will forever be the epitome of grace, the archetype of decorum, the model for near-perfection.
He watches over her like a lamb that’s lost in the woods, ready to pick up the pieces of her fragile world. He lives each day with music and poetry in his head, and the thought that consumes him is to be able to pluck her heartstrings and hold her at night.
When a man loves a woman, nothing else matters. The world can go hang for all he cares. He’ll sleep out in the rain if she tells him so, or jump over the cliff if she makes a pact with the prince of darkness. She can play him for a fool and bring him so much misery, but he’ll just string along and let her be.
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- annisa
- hidup adalah satu mangkuk penuh buah cherry. ada yang manis,ada yang kecut, ada yang hampir busuk. maka kita akan selalu untung-untungan dalam mencomot buah cherry itu. kata orang di amerika sana
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- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- Tanpa judul
- somebody me
- stand up for love
- i wanna be with you
- how deep is your love
- I'll be
- if youre not the one
- better that we break
- deep
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