Jumat, 27 Juli 2012
Soal Biologi
1.kapan penelitian sel mulai dilakukan?
2.tuliskan 5 macam toeri sel ?
3.jelaskan maksud teori-teori sel tersebut ?
4.bagaimana cara mengamati sel selain itu proses lain yang mendukung mengenai adalah pewarnaan?
5.tuliskan tujuan pemberian warna pada sel?
Tugas bahasa indonesia
1. Tuliskan persamaan antara pidato, sambutan, ceramah, dan khotbah.
2. Tuliskan perbedaan antara pidato dengan sambutan dan ceramah dengan khotbah
1.kapan penelitian sel mulai dilakukan?
2.tuliskan 5 macam toeri sel ?
3.jelaskan maksud teori-teori sel tersebut ?
4.bagaimana cara mengamati sel selain itu proses lain yang mendukung mengenai adalah pewarnaan?
5.tuliskan tujuan pemberian warna pada sel?
Tugas bahasa indonesia
1. Tuliskan persamaan antara pidato, sambutan, ceramah, dan khotbah.
2. Tuliskan perbedaan antara pidato dengan sambutan dan ceramah dengan khotbah
Kamis, 26 Juli 2012
1.dik.data sebagai berikut
80 66 74 74 70 71 78 74 72 67
72 73 73 72 75 74 74 74 72 72
66 75 74 73 74 72 79 71 75 75
78 69 71 70 79 80 75 76 68 68
nyatakan data tersebut ke dalam:
a. distribusi frekuensi tunggal
b. distribusi frekuensi bergolong dengan kelas 65-67, 68-70, 71-73, 74-76, 77-79, 80-82.
2.dik daftar disrtibusi frekuensi sebagai berikut
nilai frekuensi
21-30 2
31-40 8
41-50 9
51-60 6
61-70 3
71-80 2
81-90 8
91-100 6
dati tabel di atas tentukan :
a.banyaknya kelas
b.batas bawah kelas kelima
c.batas atas kelas keenam
d.tepi bawah kelas ketujuh
e.tepi atas kelas kedelapan
f.titik tengah masing-masing kelas'
g.panjang kelas
ket. tepi bawah: batas bawah - 0,5
tepi atas : batas atas + 0,5
lebar kelas : tepi atas - tepi bawah
titik tengah : 1/2 ( batas atas + batas bawah )
80 66 74 74 70 71 78 74 72 67
72 73 73 72 75 74 74 74 72 72
66 75 74 73 74 72 79 71 75 75
78 69 71 70 79 80 75 76 68 68
nyatakan data tersebut ke dalam:
a. distribusi frekuensi tunggal
b. distribusi frekuensi bergolong dengan kelas 65-67, 68-70, 71-73, 74-76, 77-79, 80-82.
2.dik daftar disrtibusi frekuensi sebagai berikut
nilai frekuensi
21-30 2
31-40 8
41-50 9
51-60 6
61-70 3
71-80 2
81-90 8
91-100 6
dati tabel di atas tentukan :
a.banyaknya kelas
b.batas bawah kelas kelima
c.batas atas kelas keenam
d.tepi bawah kelas ketujuh
e.tepi atas kelas kedelapan
f.titik tengah masing-masing kelas'
g.panjang kelas
ket. tepi bawah: batas bawah - 0,5
tepi atas : batas atas + 0,5
lebar kelas : tepi atas - tepi bawah
titik tengah : 1/2 ( batas atas + batas bawah )
Selasa, 03 Juli 2012
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Do you feel the time goes by too fast
You can say the world is going crazy
We’re taking in too much too soon
So afraid we’ll lose a second of the moment
Have you taken some time to let it chill
Make your mind rest and breathe in easy
Let’s go back to the old hangout
It’s the only place where we felt it so real
We tried to grow fast and prove who we are
The headlights are on but the road is hazy
Today’s the day won’t happen again
If we go back on to recall
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
When we were little kids it wasn’t long ago
We were playing and running having a sand in a face.
Life wasn’t perfect but we felt alive.
If you have a bad time
We were there to back you up.
Is it true you said that you have forgotten
How to laugh and talk all about nothing
We made our separate ways
But that’s over now
It’s now to go back where we used to hang out
We tried to go fast and get what we want
Turn the head lights when the road is hazy
Today’s the day we will make it all back to the place where we feel all so young and happy
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
It doesn’t matter where you are
It doesn’t matter where you wanna go
We’re goin back to the place where we all feel Forever Young.
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
It doesn’t matter where you are
It doesn’t matter where you wanna go
We’re goin back to the place where we all feel Forever Young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Do you feel the time goes by too fast
You can say the world is going crazy
We’re taking in too much too soon
So afraid we’ll lose a second of the moment
Have you taken some time to let it chill
Make your mind rest and breathe in easy
Let’s go back to the old hangout
It’s the only place where we felt it so real
We tried to grow fast and prove who we are
The headlights are on but the road is hazy
Today’s the day won’t happen again
If we go back on to recall
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
When we were little kids it wasn’t long ago
We were playing and running having a sand in a face.
Life wasn’t perfect but we felt alive.
If you have a bad time
We were there to back you up.
Is it true you said that you have forgotten
How to laugh and talk all about nothing
We made our separate ways
But that’s over now
It’s now to go back where we used to hang out
We tried to go fast and get what we want
Turn the head lights when the road is hazy
Today’s the day we will make it all back to the place where we feel all so young and happy
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
Forever, fo fo forever young
It doesn’t matter where you are
It doesn’t matter where you wanna go
We’re goin back to the place where we all feel Forever Young.
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, forever young
It doesn’t matter where you are
It doesn’t matter where you wanna go
We’re goin back to the place where we all feel Forever Young
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- annisa
- hidup adalah satu mangkuk penuh buah cherry. ada yang manis,ada yang kecut, ada yang hampir busuk. maka kita akan selalu untung-untungan dalam mencomot buah cherry itu. kata orang di amerika sana